
Tailored supply systems and supply-integration of forest, agro and waste biomasses can be an important way to cut feedstock cost in the FlexSNG application

The FlexSNG concept has a possibility to help decarbonize both the transport sector and energy production system, where the novel and optimized process design with a flexible value-oriented production is key. As for many other bio-based energy applications, the handling of the logistics will also be crucial for a successful implementation. This project will demonstrate a 20 % reduction in feedstock supply cost.

The cost reduction is the expected result from improving the efficiency of the supply system by two different means. First, current supply systems need to be tailored through added or modified feedstock processing, transport, or storage activities to better fit the FlexSNG requirements. Second, an integrated approach need to be adopted that combines forest/agro/waste biomass supplies and exploit the specific characteristics of each feedstock stream as a basis for establishing a better combined outcome.

The project has identified areas in the FlexSNG supply system with the highest potential to improve its cost-efficiency. Upcoming steps include the further development of an existing optimization tool (Woodflow) for optimizing and analyzing feedstock supply, with the goal to demonstrate the targeted 20 % cost reduction.
A key factor of the tailored and integrated supply approach is smart use of the fluctuations in seasonal and geographic availability and/or quality. This can be achieved in the following areas::
·       Co-handling and transportation of different feedstock origins 
·       Use of central storage nodes and terminals 
·       Sharing of machine, equipment and other resources between feedstock origins 
·       Smart location of the FlexSNG plant to create synergy effects with other systems 
·       Mixing feedstocks origins to overcome quality challenges 
·       Using different feedstock recipes depending on the current feedstock stream 
·       Established channels for information sharing to enable smart coordination 
Each of these actions adds a degree of freedom to the supply system that can be exploited when optimizing the feedstock supply.

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FlexSNG Newsletter #6

Don’t miss our final newsletter, featuring a recap of the closing meeting, key achievements and a glimpse into the future. Read it here and stay